Saturday, November 8, 2008

Vote for Me for the Blogging Scholarship

A couple of weeks ago, I submitted an entry for's Blogging Scholarship, mostly on a whim. I figured it was a good idea because the creation of my blog is so intrinsically linked to my master's program.

After college, I had been living with my parents to save up some money while I worked. When I got into my master's program in library science, I was also working downtown full time, so I figured it was time to get rid of my commute and be closer to both work and school. I started Cave Cibum as a way to explore the kitchen of my first apartment since my undergrad years and to force myself away from taking the easy route when it came to eating (like ordering pizza all the time, although some people think that's healthy). That job is now long gone and school is now full time, but I've managed to keep this thing running throughout all of it.

I was very happy to get an email yesterday saying that I had been named a finalist for the Blogging Scholarship. A full list of finalists can be found here. So please take a second (that's really all it takes) and vote for me here - for those of you who only know me through the internets, my full name is Pam Aghababian. Voting closes on November 20th at 11:59pm. And I'm also the only food blogger on the list, so fellow foodies, spread the word!

And for those of you who are just finding my site, I wanted to show off a few of my favorite posts. I hope you like them!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Pam, Best of Luck! I just voted for you. I love your blog and I hope you win.

  3. Thanks for visiting! patient, it will happen for you. Congrats on being a finalist, I really like your blog and you totally deserve it!

  4. BTW, David Cameron is totally sitting at home voting for himself!

  5. Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it!

  6. Hi Pam! I tried to vote for you (and I wanted to post about it on my blog) but it doesn't seem to be letting me actually vote...argh!

  7. Thanks, Lori! I appreciate it anyway. They're doing some weird thing where they're filtering some IP addresses...

    By the way, can't wait to come into the store and get some (or all) of my Christmas shopping done! Hope it's not too crazy in there!
