Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Carry That Buzz With You

I don't like jello at all. In fact, I hate it. I find the smell and the texture absolutely abhorrent. Which is why I'm mystified over how I could enjoy coffee jello so much.

Last fall, when Lily of Calamity Shazaam in the Kitchen and I embarked on our Ye Olde Boston Food Toure, we started our evening at Durgin Park and ordered, amongst other things, their coffee jello. We picked it because it was cheap (only a couple of bucks) and it sounded so odd. And we named it "astronaut coffee" because it was like a strong cup of coffee in solid form. I couldn't stop eating it, totally grossing myself out, and the coffee jello was definitely the stand out of the trip.

Fast forward months to what should now be the summer - ice coffee weather (although some would argue that it's always ice coffee weather in Boston...). And yet, we've only had 3 days of mostly sunny weather (the best we've gotten) all month. In an attempt to make it feel a little more summery, I finally gave making my own coffee jello a try.

And lo and behold, I'm horrifying myself again by loving this! Luckily, the coffee flavor and smell are so strong, the gelatin isn't overpowering. If I had a desk job now like I used to, I'm pretty sure I would bring along a little tupperware of this stuff as a quick pick-me-up during the day.

Coffee Jello
4 cups coffee (this is a great way to use up leftover coffee)
2 packets unflavored gelatin
3/4 cup sugar

Bring coffee to a boil in a small pot. Whisk in the gelatin and sugar and cook until they are dissolved. Pour into a shallow pan (I used a Pyrex lasagna pan) and refrigerate until firm. Serve with whipped cream for the full coffee experience.


  1. that does look surprisingly good!

  2. omg I totally thought that was a piece of chocolate!! I've never heard of such a thing but seeing that I LOVE most coffee-flavored things, maybe I'd enjoy this. I don't enjoy Jello, but I don't HATE it, so maybe it's worth a shot!


  3. Astronaut coffee. Ha, ha! So much better than that astronaut ice cream everybody loves so much. In fact, I just posted a photo of a three-layer Viatnamese jello, and one of the flavors was coffee (the others being coconut and pandan).

    Speaking of which, I found you on TasteSpotting and am writing to say that if you have any photos that aren’t accepted there, I’d love to publish them. Visit my new site (below), it’s a lot of fun! I hope you will consider it.


  4. Susan and Sues, give it a shot, you'd be surprised at how tasty it is :)

    Casey, I've been loving Tastestopping! I was starting to wonder if this one would make it to Tastespotting, and was ready to submit it to you!

  5. Whoa! I don't eat gelatin, but the concept looked so amazing on Tastespotting that I had to comment. Nifty! Food wizardry is the coolest.

  6. This is like taking iced coffee to the Nth degree. I bet this would totally hit the spot on a scorching summer day.
