Sunday, April 20, 2008

Powered by...

This day of homework, powered by Athan's apricot and almond streudel. And coffee.

Every time I go into Athan's, I swear I'm going to try something else. And every time, the apricot and almond streudel is sitting in the case, just asking to be ordered. Who am I to disappoint?

The dried apricots are soft and tender, and the frangipane filling is sweet with very few chunks of almond. The slices are huge, too. One piece could happily feed two people (and it's only $3.25!).

Of course, I can't manage to eat a slice without making a mess - the filo flakes end up flying all over the place. Tasty, but messy. I should probably just start bringing it home so I don't embarrass myself eating it in public.

Athan's Bakery on Urbanspoon


  1. That looks so good! I'll have to check this place out!

  2. Yes, do check them out. The pastries are tasty and unique, and the gelato is sooo good.

  3. I've not tried this pastry of which you speak. I was in there the other morning and had coffee and brioche, which made me feel so European. Until I realized that the brioche was like crack and I shoveled it into my mouth in very American fashion.

  4. No worries, I'm sure you were more European, no matter what you did, than some of the people in there ;)
