Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scooper Bowl 2008!

It's that time again - time for all-you-can-eat ice cream, served in the sweltering heat! The 26th Annual Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl, a fundraiser for cancer research and treatments at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, opened today, and I hit it up with a fellow Bostonist writer to scope out the scene (and eat all the ice cream, of course). It was packed, as to be expected, and the ice cream was melting faster than we could eat it. That doesn't mean we didn't get to try almost half of all the offerings on hand...

My favorites:

Brigham's Xtreme Razberry - Brigham's will always hold a dear place in my heart, as it was a big part of my upbringing and my family eats it every time we get together. Peppermint Stick is my all-time favorite, and lately I've really been into Just Jimmies. But this new flavor may have usurped the others, at least for a little while. It consists of a rich raspberry ice cream, with a fudge swirl and tons of mini raspberry cups (like peanut butter cups, but filled with raspberry goo). The name makes it sound stupid, but the taste... oh, the taste makes you forget all about the ridiculous name.

Doriti Gelati's Mango gelato - This is, by far, not the best gelato you can get around Boston, but the rich mango flavor, with just a hint of coconut, was pleasing and refreshing.

Ben & Jerry's One Cheesecake Brownie - I'm not a fan of cheesecake, but this stuff was awesome and tasted just like the real thing. The cheesecake ice cream was filled with big chunks of fudge-y brownie. We also tried the Cake Batter, which tasted just like cake batter, leaving me to comment "And the snozzberries taste like snozzberries!" I'll take any chance I can get to quote Willy Wonka...

Breyers' Mint Chocolate Chip - I'm also not a big fan of Breyer's... at least, I wasn't until I tasted this flavor. There's still too much air in the ice cream for my taste, but the mint flavor was fantastic, and it was packed with tons of huge chocolate chunks - a very good ratio between mint and chocolate. Hell, I might even buy this at the market some time...

What was your favorite flavor from the Scooper Bowl?


  1. I can't believe you've never had Breyer's mint chocolate chip before! I was practically RAISED on the stuff, and it is without a doubt the ruler against which I measure all mint chocolate flavors. There was a period in my life where I had a freezer stocked with cartons after cartons of it.

    Man, those were the days.

  2. Hey, like I said, I'm a Brigham's girl, through and through! And peppermint stick is my all-time favorite, but it can be hard to find, so I'll go with mint chip only if I have to.

    I actually tried the mint chip from Archer Farms at Target not too long ago, and it was a tasty alternative.

  3. Oh, I don't think we're going to make the Scooper Bowl this year :(
    I know there's one more night ... maybe tomorrow!

    Dana Farber runs the greatest fundraising events, we walk the Jimmy Fund walk along the marathon route each September; I've never had a rainy day doing it!

    And a note on Brigham's ... I used to get (besides the obvious ice cream!) "barley pops"; they're red clear lollipops with a unique flavor ... I don't know if they're still around.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and your posts on bookmarks and book sales (I had to Google "cloverfield", now I'm enlightened.) Somehow I linked back to this blog instead of the bookish one; it looks delicious!

  4. I so wanted to go to scooperbowl but was tied up at work! *pout*

  5. I feel like I've seen barley pops recently...
