Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Latest Obsession

First off, I swear there will be real cooking and posting this weekend! I have no big paper due next week, so I'll have a chance to breathe (and eat!).

What has been keeping me fed lately is Chipotle. One of the few Boston-area branches opened down the street from me a few months ago, and I couldn't be happier to have it within walking distance. I've now tried enough variations to have gotten "my" order down - a steak burrito bol with black beans, tomato salsa, and corn salsa. The corn salsa is awesome - spicy and just a little sweet. One bol (I find that hard to write, why can't it be "bowl"?) is enough for two meals, unless I'm starving.

And overall, my order's not a bad choice, nutrition-wise. Some of the other ingredients, though, are a little scary, and I definitely need to kick my chips and guacamole habit (but it's so addictive!).


  1. I have a friend who eats there all the time, because it's close to the library. Their food tastes like exams!

  2. Maybe I just had bad luck, but the 2 Chipotle's I tried in CA were terrible. I chalked it up to them being owned by McD's.

  3. That's too bad, Vicki. Was it a while ago? McDonalds hasn't been involved with Chipotle for about a year and a half...

  4. Yup it was probably 3 years ago. Maybe I'll give them another try now that they're free of the nuggets.

  5. I am obsessed with that place now too! I think it's really good... I get the Vegetarian Burrito (black beans, no fajitas) w/ cheese, sour cream and guac. Mmmm... and about 2500 calories!

  6. I didn't know that there was a chipolte near you... oooh I am so coming over there. Now I want that for dinner. I dream about their chips and guac.
    :)( I just got home from class)

  7. Thanks for the review. DarlingBoy has been pushing to go here for a while, since it looks to him like "a fancy Qdoba" and he keeps thinking I should get over my hatred of Qdoba as developed by bad experiences at the one in Prudential. I will experience Chipotle because it has a good rec from you, but I will let him think it's because he's getting his way.

    Eat your heart out, Dr. Phil.

  8. I'm glad I could help make DarlingBoy think he's getting his way ;) And God, is Qdoba horrible... blech!

  9. I totally love Chipotle. Before they landed in MA I had the pleasure of experiencing them out in CA. When I travel west for work eating there is a requirement.
