Friday, January 18, 2008

Spicy Mango Galette

National Pie Day is coming up next week (why it's not March 14th, I can't tell you). I'm not particularly good at pies, but I try my hand at them every once in a while.

While going through the freezer this past weekend, I found one Trader Joe's pie crust, leftover from when I made prune pie at Christmas time. I didn't really like the crust (tasted too much like sugar cookie, and there were no flakes), and I realized that the remaining piece was probably going to just sit in the freezer until the freezer burn was too horrible. I also realized, looking at my fruit bowl, that there were some perfectly ripe mangoes from a trip to Super 88 that I wouldn't be able to eat before they went bad.

And thus, a mango galette was born, in preparation for National Pie Day.

Spicy Mango Galette

2 mangoes, evenly chopped
1 tsp cornstarch
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 tsp cayenne pepper
1 unbaked pie crust (homemade or store bought)
sugar for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 450°. In a bowl, mix chopped mango, cornstarch, sugar, and cayenne together until evenly distributed. On a foil-lined sheet pan, lay down pie crust. Pile the mango filling in the middle of the dough, leaving about 2 inches of dough on all sides. Carefully fold up the dough over the mixture, crimping as you go. Sprinkle dough with sugar. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Cool before serving.


  1. Hey I linked to this post from You're wicked famous now.

  2. You can say you knew me when... ;)
