Monday, October 15, 2007

Let's Go, Red Sox!

My brother turns 40 this month, and his wife threw him a fantastic surprise party this weekend. Any guess what the theme was? And yes, there was plenty of peanuts and Cracker Jacks, as well as a popcorn machine and a hot dog steamer.

The cake (fantastic, by the way) was from Rise Bakery in Ashland. I hope to be able to try more of their cakes in the future :)

As a side note, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I'm so busy, I can't watch the games. I want to know what's going on, but I like having fingernails. But I feel clueless wandering from work to my internship or class and not knowing the score...


  1. Dude! My invitation got lost in the mail :) You're family knows how to party!!

  2. I know, you would have been all over the moon bounce

  3. You mean your teachers don't give you score updates? My writing professor wore a rally cap last night. After we explained it to her, but still. Maybe if she'd done it before the 6th inning...

  4. No, my teachers aren't baseball people, or so it seems. When the jets flew over at the start of the first Angels game, my teacher thought we were getting bombed.

    And I'm tempted to dig out my old-school walkman, because I only get FM on my mp3 player, so I can't catch the games for the bus rides...
