Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why am I being so quiet? Plus, a call for help

So I realized that 2 posts in 2 weeks was a little lame. Yes, I had fun with my pomegranate in my home Glamor Shots studio, but I still feel like I've been neglecting my blogging duties. I started grad school last week, on top of already being employed fulltime, and have found myself thrown back into the world of homework and workshops and waiting in God-awful lines in the bookstore. While shopping for supplies, I saw something very close to a Trapper Keeper and was tempted to buy it... and then I realized that I am no longer 10 years old.

Anyway, time to cook is now at a minimum. So I need your help (do you think Stephen King will mind if I call you Constant Readers here?). Point me towards recipes that can keep all week - for example, this week, I made million-veggie lasagna (ok, there were only actually 6 veggies, but that's still a lot!) and this terrific quinoa salad. I need things I can make on Sundays (or very quickly on Monday or Tuesday nights) and can sit in the fridge until Friday. It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold - hot things I'll eat for lunch at work, cold things I'll eat on campus for dinner. Oh, and bonus points for really healthy!!


  1. I'm always up for making a big pot of soup or how about chili. I got a healthy wheatberry chili recipe over on my site you may want to try.

    There's always pot pies or individual pizzas if you aren't afraid of playing with the doughs.

    Orzo salads topped with a vinaigrette and loaded with roasted veggies maybe?

    How about fish? It sounds strange, but I have a cold fish recipe over at my site that gets better if it is allowed to sit for a few days.

    Sandwiches always work and can be prepared quickly if you have everything ready to go. You can go beyond the normal 'ham and cheese' and make them more gourmet with some good artisan breads, roasted vegetables, quality cheeses, and meats you usually don't buy (think prosciutto or sopresatta). Even the more expensive ingredients are cheaper than eating out!

    I got some ideas here: myfoodgeek

  2. Woohoo! Thanks for the food props. They are certainly much appreciated. What are you back in school for? If you need any tips on how to juggle, just drop me a line. Good luck!

  3. And a call for recipes you can use your new tool with! :) haha

  4. Thanks, Jef! Those are great suggestions, and there's lots of good stuff on your site. I guess my biggest problem is my ability to balance nutrition, taste and time... I have a few soups to try out this week, here's to hoping they come out well!

    Any time, Sarah! I just started a program in library science with a concentration in archives - you know, to actually make accessible the stuff that archaeologists pull out of the ground ;)

    Liney - soups up this week... there will be lots of blending!

  5. Shepard's Pie? I use the leanest ground beef and then add carrots, onions, corn and peas. Topped w/ mashed potatoes or you can go with a squash?
