Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Me, A Freak?

I'm a big fan of corn on the cob. It's another trait I've picked up from my father, who will routinely eat 3 ears in a sitting. Next time I eat with him, I'll have to remember to look at how he eats his...

Why? Because my friends have noticed how I eat mine, and they think I'm a little bit of a freak for it.

Apparently there's something strange about the ear being this clean. The weirdest part is that this is totally out of character for me; I mean, I'm clean, but not anal retentive!

I think I learned this trick when I had braces; only my bottom teeth were in a metal hell, so my uppers learned to scrape off each row of kernals without producing too much fibrous wreckage. Since then, I've kept up the habit for a different reason... good corn can be hard to come by, and I don't want to waste any of it!

Does anyone else eat their corn like this?


  1. oh!! me me! i do, i do.
    only i do the tearing-off with the bottom teeth. and i don't have an exciting background of having braces to tell, either. which i suppose may make me weirder... haha.


  2. OMG, me too, or the same as lindsay -- bottom teeth only. I did have braces, but that's not how I started doing this. I learned this from a cousin who was on a macrobiotic diet, and evidently this is the best way to extract all the good bits from the corn. My partner still marvels at the way I can scrape a cob clean like that. Plus, don't you end up with lots less crap between your teeth this way?

  3. I didn't know you had braces!

  4. Yay, I'm not completely crazy! Glad to hear from both of you! And Sean, now I can pretend I'm just being healthy when I do it...

    Liney, I had braces in middle school, but my teeth slid right back by the end of high school... thus, when you met me, I was back to where I began.

  5. Wow, I get it that clean because I rip off the individual kernels with my fingers and then eat them...

  6. I twist off every kernel, one by one :)

  7. My friends always laugh at me when they see me eat corn. If I have a full cob I'll eat it row-by-row along the long side, and if I have a half cob I'll usually eat it row-by-row around the circumference. Always end up with the cleanest cob. You get the most out of the corn, plus it doesn't get stuck in your teeth!

  8. That is some hardcore korn eatin'!

  9. I discovered that the real reason for existence of the microwave in this world is to cook perfect corn on the cob. One of the things that makes it marvellous is that corn on the cob cooked in the microwave comes off the cob absolutely perfectly, so you don't lose a single molecule of that delicious goodness!

  10. Ooh, I will have to try cooking corn in the microwave this summer. I have watched some people eat cobs clean by holding the cob vertically (those corn holder picks would not be useful). Do those who pluck kernels from the cob manually eschew butter?

  11. Kiriel, how long do you cook it for?

    Pumpkinpie, really good corn needs no butter!
