Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Kupel's, Coolidge Corner

I was wandering around Coolidge Corner today while running some errands, and I stumbled across Kupel's Bagels. When I walked in, there was a long, slow line waiting for fresh bagels and pastries. The cases were packed, and I kept changing my mind about what I wanted. The kitchen was busy, and fresh food was still being baked early in the afternoon.

I limited myself to two choices, and man, was it difficult. The lemon flat tire was tempting. The flaky puff pastry was sprinkled with coarse sugar. The lemon filling had seeped down as it baked and had formed a caramelized crust along the bottom; this was too sweet and cloying, like eating puff pastry brittle. There wasn't much lemon flavor, either, but I still enjoyed it.

The raspberry turnover was a tasty little hand pie. I should have heated it up a little first, I think that would have brought the flavor out and toasted the dough a little. There were no seeds in the filling to get caught in my teeth, which I appreciated. There was another 5 or so flavors of turnovers among the rest of the goodies.

I'll be visiting Kupel's again, for more pastries and to try the bagels. Has anyone had the bagels there? Which flavor is best?

Kupel's Bagels in Brookline


  1. As many times as I've been past Kupel's, I've never been in, but for some reason I think they have peanut butter bagels. Can anyone verify this or am I going to have to make my hips victims of delicious carb research?

  2. Definitely your hips... or you could always give them a call ;)

  3. My sense is that Kupel's has a more traditional assortment of bagels along with a wide assortment of other baked goods. I used to do some work in Coolidge Corner a few years ago and greatly enjoyed heading over to Kupel's to grab a sesame seed bagel (good for counteracting carb-induced hip spread? ;) with cream cheese and a large iced coffee to wash it down. Very tasty! You could also check out Bagel Rising a few blocks away from Kupels.
